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Hannah Dee Elizabeth Barnes Johnson

Born on 7-18-1893. She was born in Montgomery, AL. She was accomplished in the area of Community. She later died on 9-12-1952.
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Mrs. Johnson was a native of Montgomery, Alabama. Her parents were Charles and Caroline Johnson Barnes. Mrs. Johnson was a graduate of Alabama State Teachers School. She met her future husband, Rev. Sidney O. B. Johnson while they were both students at the College. Mrs. Johnson taught school for about one year before retiring to be a full-time homemaker and mother.

In 1921, the Johnson family (by that time there were several children) moved to Buffalo, New York from Meridian, Mississippi. Rev. Johnson became the pastor of Lincoln Memorial Congregational Church, which he pastored until his death in 1948. Mrs. Johnson was active in her husband's church as well as in community organizations.

Mrs. Johnson was survived by three sons, Sidney L., Horace C., and Charles R. as well as five daughters: Mrs. Maggie Jones, Mrs. Amanda Carlos, Mrs. Lillian Meadows, Mrs. Elizabeth Murphy and Mrs. Josephine Holmes. Rev. Johnson died in 1948.

Mrs. Johnson is buried in Forest Lawn Cemetery, Buffalo, NY.